Teacher's Page

This webquest is designed to be part of a drama-in-education program for grade 2. The readability of this webquest is too difficult for grade 2 students, therefore they will work with a buddy from grade 6.

The teacher will take the role of Mayor Mishap, a zany, confused mayor of the fictional town of Whoopsville. 

Whoopsville has lost all of its safety rules. Everywhere you look, people are not being safe (there are some examples on the Introduction page). Mayor Mishap will need some help to collect safety rules to keep the children of Whoopsville safe.

The students will be framed as Safety Experts, recruited to help Mayor Mishap make Whoopsville safe again for all its children.

The students will be given a Safety Expert role in one of the following fields; fire safety, pedestrian safety, electrical safety, or bicycle safety. They will be assigned their roles based on results from the safety quizzes (provided on the Task page). The students will record their results and give them to Mayor Mishap (that's YOU! The teacher-in-role). You will then assign each student his or her role, guiding them on their way to discover safety rules for Whoopsville. This activity should take the entire lesson to complete.  

Each safety expert and his or her buddy will look for information in the assigned field. This would be part one of the process. They will be provided with links to interactive, safety-related websites so they can discover lots of safety tips. Depending on the students progress, it may take two or three lessons to complete this activity. 

When the students have found lots of information, they will come together in groups of four (Mayor Mishap will need to make sure that there is one expert per each group) and prepare a brochure outlining everything they've learned. They will prepare this in an online brochure maker (the link is provided a the bottom of the Process page). Again, this may take two or three lessons to complete. One lesson will be for communicating, in groups, everything they have learned. The next lesson or two will be left to make the brochure. 

Once the brochures have been prepared, the students will present them to Mayor Mishap. The Mayor will graciously accept them and tell the students that it is because of them the children of Whoopsville will once again be safe.

When the students are finished the webquest, they can print a certificate (found on the Conclusion page) declaring them as Safety Experts. Mayor Mishap will sign and present them to each student.

This webquest addresses the following standards:

Social Studies:

 – Recognize the importance of teamwork in bringing about change


-          identify some potential fire hazards around the home such as: matches, fireplaces, space heaters, candles
-          assess personal practices with respect to bicycle, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, or boats

Language Arts:

-          reading/viewing as sources of interest, enjoyment, and information