
Can you think of any safety rules to help Mayor Mishap protect the children of Whoopsville?

If you need help, look to Officer Buckle for guidance. He LOVES safety tips! Check out his video! He knows LOTS of ways to keep children safe.

Just like Officer Buckle helps to keep the children of Napville safe, it's your turn to help the kids of Whoopsville.

Your task is to find fire, pedestrian, electrical, and bicycle safety rules to make your very own brochure to share with the kids of Whoopsville.

But HURRY...the children are depending on you to keep them safe!!!

Let's see what you might already know. Click each picture below to take a quiz.

Before you start the quizzes, click HERE to get a tally sheet to record how many questions you answered correctly on each quiz. When the quizzes are finished, continue over to Process.



