
Part 1

Mayor Mishap has taken great effort to assign everyone to one of the four groups in which you have shown great knowledge.
If you zoomed past the competition on the Bicycle Safety Quiz, you are now ...

A World Champion Cyclist!  Your job is to look for bicycle safety rules that will keep kids safe while riding their bikes. Try looking for information on ... 
how to choose the correct helmet, when and where you can ride your bike, and clothing that will help protect you.

 Look Here or Here for some helpful rules and print this worksheet to record them.

If you were a firecracker at the Fire Safety Quiz, you are now ...

Our New Fire Chief! Your job is to research fire safety rules to keep the town`s homes safe. You might want to look for information about ... 
fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, escape routes, and what to do in case of a fire emergency.

Check Here or Here for some helpful ideas and print this worksheet to record them.

If you were a step ahead of the rest on the Pedestrian Safety Quiz, you are now ...

Our #1 Traffic Cop! Your job is to discover ways to keep boys and girls safe while walking on the streets of Whoopsville. It is important to keep in mind information about ...
 when and where it is safe to walk, what street signs mean, and how to cross a crosswalk.

Click Here or Here for some helpful tips and print this worksheet to record them.

If you shocked Mayor Mishap on the Electrical Safety Quiz, you are now ...

Whoopsville's Brightest Electrician! Your job is to find rules to make sure the children understand the dangers of electricity. Things to look for might include information about ...
 how to prevent electrical shocks and how to prevent electrical fires.

Go Here or Here for some helpful hints and print this worksheet to record them.

Part 2

Now that each of you are safety experts in your field of work, come back together in your group and share your ideas.

Each group will now be responsible for organizing the information to make a Safety Tips Brochure to give to Mayor Mishap.

You should use this website to help you.

To know what Mayor Mishap is expecting of you, check out the Evaluation page!